Seeing can mean believing.

**Seeing can mean believing… more of my opinions on inclusiveness in the parks.**

I know some people who have gone to National Parks.  They have seen the majestic beauty, right along side me, and have proclaimed how beautiful it was aloud.  These same friends, they don’t really go to National Parks that often or at all anymore which is okay.  These people saw the beauty, believe in the beauty, and will remember the beauty of these wonderful places forever.  THIS IS IMPORTANT.

A National Park may not be their family vacation destination every time, but they may return someday.  These people understand the importance, value, and impact these places have on the general population.  They get it – because they’ve been there.  Because these people have been there, they get why it’s important to protect and fund these places.  These people then connect National Parks and the preservation ideals to other natural areas that need preservation.  It can build.

Visiting a National Park, once or twice, has left an impression on these people.  Will they return? Maybe.  Will they remember the good times there and what those parks stand for? Definitely.  It just takes one time, even if nature isn’t their thing, for someone to fall in love with the idea of National Parks, Monuments, Forests, etc.

Plant the seed and see what grows.  We need to continue to get people of all areas of life/status/etc to these place to see for themselves – maybe only once.  Maybe it isn’t their thing, but maybe it is.  Even if it isn’t their thing, they’ll remember the trip and could see how important these places are for our country.


Friday thoughts – on Wednesday.

  • As much as I try, I just can’t seem to get into listening to podcasts.  I can sometimes listen to an episode or part of an episode, but I just can’t seem to get on the podcast bandwagon… much like I have no desire for the Game of Thrones bandwagon.  GOT is just not my type of show – I heard there were penises, but that still didn’t entice me…
  • Audiobooks have kept me in car and made me arrive later than I’d like at least 7 out of 7 days this work “week” of life.  I am on book 3, because I can’t stop, and I just want to keep listening so I sit in the parking garage and just listen and then realize it’s like 3 mins til work starts and I’m still at least a good 3 min walk away.  Fuck it, at least I’m on the property.
  • I’m not sure what to do – I can’t stop thinking about California and our trip through the redwoods.  I’m just so obsessed.  I can’t stop looking through the photos, can’t stop thinking about how and when to get back, and I can’t stop thinking about the other sequoia trees in Sequoia Kings that I want to go see.  I’m just west obsessed right now and I want nothing more than to return to the beauty that is not TEXAS.  I’m so looking forward to the Michigan trip – every time I close my eyes I see Lake Huron and pine trees and the blue water…gah, I can’t fucking wait….it is in about 9 hours that we depart.
  • The road to ice cream is paved with spaghetti squash intentions… UGH, why can’t I just stop being so gross and eating all this shit?  WHY?
  • Apartment complexes are so crooked.  I can’t wait to buy a home or rent from a private party again.  FEES FEES FEES.
  • Also, I’ll never jump on the Caitlin Jenner bandwagon.  Yay, you are your true self… but, you and your family are a fame-whore complex I don’t like and you killed someone with you car…. go team…not.  I don’t have to get on her team, but I do support trans people and their fight – our fight as an LGBTQA team.  I don’t like a lot of people in general – but that whole family is just obnoxious and unnecessary.
  • I hope I can still visit a prosperous London someday.